So when I first started using Outlook years ago, I never really liked the default stationery that people used. I’m sure some of you remember how some of these things looked. Like this one…
I hated those. So I was always a ‘text’ guy. As the years went on, I started using a stationery. I think it was Outlook 2000 at the time. So from 2000 to Outlook 2003, and then Outlook 2007, and soon Outlook 2010. I never remember the location of the .html file for the stationary. It seems that a.) is changes with each version b.) I can never find the version information that I need at the time and c.) the directory you put it in is always hidden… thus, I’m putting the location for stationery for Outlook 2007 here so I don’t forget.
There, now I’ll remember.