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Windows Security

In a security review of some Windows machines here at work, I ran across a good article about hacking, which included a video on using several good tools to validate security on your publicly facing windows machines, which require RDP (Remote Desktop / Terminal Services) port to be open.

The video shows you how to us tsgrinder, and several other tools.  Check out the video here

Classic ASP code for server variables and form variables

During my testing and working on something at work, I found some nice variable display info that can be used when trying to debug/troubleshoot some classic ASP code.  Stuff I usually can’t find when I need it.  So I’m posting it here.

<TABLE BORDER="1"> <TR><TD><B>Server Variable</B></TD><TD><B>Value</B></TD></TR> <% For Each strKey In Request.form %>  <TR> <TD><%= strKey %></TD> <TD><%= Request.form(strKey) %></TD> </TR> <% Next %> </TABLE>



<TABLE BORDER="1"> <TR><TD><B>Server Variable</B></TD><TD><B>Value</B></TD></TR> <% For Each strKey In Request.ServerVariables %>  <TR> <TD><%= strKey %></TD> <TD><%= Request.ServerVariables(strKey) %></TD> </TR> <% Next %> </TABLE>
Outlook 2007 Stationery Location

Outlook 2007 Stationery Location

So when I first started using Outlook years ago, I never really liked the default stationery that people used.  I’m sure some of you remember how some of these things looked.  Like this one…

Bad Outlook Stationery 1

I hated those.  So I was always a ‘text’ guy.  As the years went on, I started using a stationery.  I think it was Outlook 2000 at the time.  So from 2000 to Outlook 2003, and then Outlook 2007, and soon Outlook 2010.  I never remember the location of the .html file for the stationary.  It seems that a.) is changes with each version b.) I can never find the version information that I need at the time and c.) the directory you put it in is always hidden… thus, I’m putting the location for stationery for Outlook 2007 here so I don’t forget.


There, now I’ll remember.

Securing a WordPress 3.0 site

Securing a WordPress 3.0 site

Ensure you have the most recent version
Upgrading to the version 3.0 (as of the date of this article) will address many security vulnerabilities, including the protection of your wp-content/plugins directory, and your wp-admin folder.  These directories in 2.x versions had security issues and as such were prime targets for attacks.  Also be sure to upgrade all of your plug-ins, where applicable.  Regardless of how many WordPress sites you may be running, or how hard it may be to upgrade 10’s or 100’s of them, it’s better than having all of their content deleted and thus having to do reinstallations anyway.


Quick mysql_connect php script

The below script is a quick PHP script that connects to a mysql database to test connectivity.

$host = "";
$username = "username";
$password = "password";

        /* Connecting, selecting database */
        $conn = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password)
        or die("Could not connect");
        /* select the database */
        mysql_select_db("user") or die("Could not select database <I>user</I> Database<br>");