Stationery and themes are a set of unified design elements and color schemes. They specify fonts, bullets, background color, horizontal lines, images, and other design elements that you want to include in outgoing email messages.
Outlook includes a large selection of stationery. You can also design your own custom stationery. For example, you can include a company logo or design that matches your organization’s style guidelines.
- Create your HTML page.
- Customize the page by using fonts, bullets, a background color, horizontal lines, images, and other design elements that you want to include.
- Save the HTML file
- In the Save As dialog box address bar, enter %appdata%\microsoft\stationery, and then press Enter
- Save As dialog box with stationery path in address bar. The Stationery folder opens.
- In the File name box, enter a name for your new stationery.
- In the Save as type list, click HTML.
- Click Save.